Monday, March 22, 2010

What would you rather spend your money on?

Good Food or Good Clothes?

My thoughts tend to think that most guys who answer this would say in a second that they would rather spend money on a steak than a nice sweater. But that is just talking about the stereotypical male that I have in my head. So don't worry, if you are a guy and answered clothes, you aren't weird. Ha. But lets just say, for all those guys who answered food -- what if I rephrased and said good food or your favorite hockey jersey...or the wolf shirt that Alan wears in The Hangover? Would that make it different for you?
Mine is undoubtably good clothes. I have always been a sucker for clothes and well, I am basically going to school to become a professional shopper so really no one can judge me! I will totally stick to my Ichibans and PB&Js if it means I can buy that really cute pair of sandals. Hahah. 
But when you think about what you need and what you want, which comes first? Obviously needs come first until a certain extent. But really think about yourself and ask the question - would you rather indulge needs or wants?
Let me know what you decide!